Doppelganger, which comes from the german term "double walker". It's when the astral body of
a living person comes out of there physical body in the form of a apparition. If the individual is holding in certian emotions
(especially from childhood) it can cause the astral body to come out in order to "get away". Doppelganger's can happen weather
the person is alseep or awake. He/or she may think it's a ghost. The double can appear in any shape, or form. But most of
the time is looks exactly like the individual. Although some may think it's a ghost trying to mimic there form. Some believe
that if you see your own astral body in the form of an apparition, it meant that the individual was going to die. But usually
the main reason for a doppelganger is the astral body's need to just act out the hidden emotions one is hold in, even
though the apparition acts very strangely when seen up close.