A zombie is a dead person that is brought back to life through means
of Voodoo or Necromancy, destroying the mental processes of this person
through the process. Most people consider zombies only to be the stuff of horror books and movies, but they do exist in Haiti
in the present day. Thousands of people in Haiti are considered to be zombies, some of which lead normal everyday lives with
families, jobs and are respected citizens. It's even considered to be a crime to make a zombie in Haiti.
Many Zombies are created through a very deadly posion called pufferfish,
which is very dangerous to the neverous system, the clinical drug norcuron has similar effects and is used during surgery.
Normally somone who becomes a Zombie is completed conscious, but the pulse and heart beat is so low that is impossible to
detect. There have been cases of people getting shot to death and having rose out of their grave due to the fact that a voodoo
practioneer gave them pufferfish before anyone could give him medical attention. It is said that this posion effects the left
side of the brain, the side that controls speech, memory and motor skills. A Zombie also does whatever their master tells
them to do, it was said that certain voodoo practioneers had secret armies that consisted of Zombies. Its also possible to
know someone whos a Zombie but would'nt think that their one. Their are stories and reports that state that some people die
come back as Zombies and have families then go back to their graves many years later. If you give a Zombie salt or meat then
they will be aware of their trance like state become less lethargic and return to their grave. The study in Zombies became
a serious issue within the last ten years.